Ask a Librarian

NCTC Librarians are now available for virtual appointments using Upswing! Search for "Library" under the subject listing, and schedule an appointment with an available librarian. Upswing can be found by logging into OneLogin.

If you need an answer to a straightforward, factual question, or assistance with an NCTC research assignment, fill in the form below. We will provide you with an answer (and references to relevant sources) via e-mail in at least 24 hours. If you are submitting on a weekend (or during a college holiday), expect a reply on the following Monday (or normal workday).

Is your question about purchasing, renting, or returning/selling Textbooks?
If so, contact the Bookstore for your campus. If your question is about setting up an electronic textbook, then use the Help button in Canvas to contact eLearning.