IT Career Connections Center
The NCTC IT Career Connection Center (ITCCC) Testing Center provides secure, accessible, and comprehensive testing services for our students and community members. Through its mission, the Testing Center facilitates student success and supports the achievement of professional and personal educational goals. The Testing Center complies with the Professional Standards and Guidelines of the National College Testing Association.
Facilities include a tutoring lab, education and employment coaches, industry certification testing center, and faculty offices. Call or stop by today!
Scheduling a Test
Contact the ITCCC to schedule your test. Call (940) 498-6440, ext. 6505 or stop by, walk-ins are welcome.
Testing Center Hours
Regular Hours
Monday - Thursday
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Summer Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
What to Bring
Testing Candidates MUST bring a photo ID—Driver's license, NCTC ID, or State ID
Voucher number or license code
A little bit of patience is always needed!
You are ready to Test!
The NCTC IT Career Connection Center (ITCCC) is located directly across the street from the Corinth Campus.
1400 N Corinth Pkwy
Pinnell Square, Suites 101- 102
(940) 498-6440