Open Educational Resources
For Faculty
“Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that helps overcome legal obstacles to the sharing of knowledge and creativity […] to provide Creative Commons licenses and public domain tools that give every person and organization in the world a free, simple, and standardized way to grant copyright permissions for creative and academic works; ensure proper attribution; and allow others to copy, distribute, and make use of those works; work closely with major institutions and governments to create, adopt and implement open licensing and ensure the correct use of CC licenses and CC-licensed content; […] offer the Creative Commons Certificate, an in-depth course for people interested in becoming experts in creating and engaging with openly licensed works; and support global Open Education and GLAM communities.”
— Creative Commons
Listed below are resources that provide a variety of support for faculty when considering and developing their courses: research, best practices, curriculum, and online resources.
Many open textbooks are available free of charge under Creative Commons (CC) licenses. These licenses provide textbooks or course materials that are free of any copyright restrictions and they can be edited to include recent updates in the field of study and also personalized to an instructor’s need. All work and revisions can be shared using the same CC License and low-cost print editions of open textbooks can be made available as well as online versions can be printed.
Textbook Reserves
Many faculty and departments at NCTC provide copies of their course texts on reserve in the library so that students can check out the books for in-house use. Textbook reserves allow students access to the course resources while they wait on their financial aid and allow students who use digital or eBooks the option to reference print sources if necessary.