Research Help
Subject Guides
Need help with researching a particular subject? Need some good internet-based resources?
Citation Guides
Need help with citing your sources? Don't know your MLA from your APA?
Tutorials & Guides
Videos and downloadable guides on using databases and other sources and how to interpret and evaluate the information from them.
Research Databases
Databases of sources, including academic journals, of many different subjects are available.
Scholarly vs. Popular Journals
Describes the differences between a scholarly or peer-reviewed journal and a popular magazine.
An overview of the CRAAP test, an easy way to critically evaluate information sources. — Created using PowToon
Online Library Instruction
Need help with using the library? Check out the Library Instruction Tutorial under Courses on Canvas. All students that are currently on Canvas are enrolled in the tutorial, but it is not required unless requested by your instructor.
Publication Handout
Not sure if what you have is a trade publication or a popular magazine? Try using this Publication Handout and make your own comparison!
The library's online catalog allows students to search for items held by NCTC Libraries across all five campuses. It also allows students to request those items to be sent to their home campus for checkout. Students can also search for items placed on reserve for their courses by their instructors.
How to Search the Catalog
A tutorial on searching using the newest version of the NCTC Library Catalog.
Library Catalog
Interlibrary Loan
Can't find what you need at NCTC Libraries? We may still be able to help!
NCTC Libraries can borrow materials on your behalf from other libraries across the country via Interlibrary Loan (aka ILL). Interlibrary loan services are available to NCTC Library users at no charge.
TexShare Cards
NCTC Libraries also participate in the TexShare Card program. With a TexShare Card, users can borrow materials directly from participating institutions such as the University of North Texas and Texas Woman's University.