Robeson Excellence in Teaching awards given to professors

Six North Central Texas College professors were awarded the Robeson Excellence in Teaching Award this week by namesake and donor for the award, Maurice Robeson. Recipients prepared a detailed application to request funding for innovative projects in their classroom, and presented their program requests to Robeson, herself. The following recipients were chosen to have their projects funded:

Gabrielle Fletcher received a Robeson Excellence in Teaching Award.

Before & After the Medal: A Multifaceted Exploration of Heroes Out of Uniform, by Gabrielle Fletcher, English, Speech, Foreign Language Faculty

Stephanie Lindsay and Terrent Lawson receive Robeson Excellence in Teaching Award.

Interactive, Multi-touch iPads to Use in Cosmetology, by Stephanie Lindsay & Terrent Lawson, Cosmetology Faculty

Lisa Smart and Amy Ott received Robeson Excellence in Teaching Award.

Using an Assistive Writing Application to Improve Student Outcomes in First Year Composition Courses, by Lisa Smart & Amy Ott, English, Speech, Foreign Language Faculty

Taylor Dawson received a Robeson Excellence in Teaching Award.

Interactive Classroom to Encourage Collaborative Learning, by Taylor Darwin, Math Faculty


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